my guestbook

paul park - 09/25/00 09:18:24
My Email:pjhpark@uclink4.
what are you going to eat today: nutella.. boy is that stuff good..
last or next online purchase: i think last week cuz i needed some vitamins.
teach me how to say something cool in another language: nau nun pa bo dah.
latest addiction: he is the epitome of love
do you have a favorite pen?: i'd have to say the uniball deluxe for life
word to yell out randomly in public: don't know.. but i know what one word you'd probably yell... starts with a J... if you know what i mean.
I bet you never thought I'd sign your guest book. Hmm... well, it's 2:16 right now, and I'm just taking a break from korean. Too difficult. Anyway, have fun ben.

Ki Soo - 07/11/00 06:35:06
My URL:Wait.... U'll be on waiting list
what are you going to eat today: Whatever i can
last or next online purchase: last one was CDRW and the next one will be girls
teach me how to say something cool in another language: muh hae
latest addiction: um... u know
do you have a favorite pen?: Dr. Grip
word to yell out randomly in public: what the hell
Well, ur web page sucks and u r sitting right next to me. That's all ben. I'll have better comments next time.

ellie - 07/03/00 03:40:50
My Email:ellbell@uclink4
what are you going to eat today: right now i'm eating an apple, but what i could really go for is some ice cream....
last or next online purchase: last thing i bought was a pair of tweezers from
teach me how to say something cool in another language: rrrrRRRrrrr....that is my stomach saying i'm hungry.
latest addiction: i don't really have one. i have been listening to a lot of country music lately tho....=)
do you have a favorite pen?: no, i love all my pens equally. well no, that's a lie, i do like some pens more than others....
word to yell out randomly in public: doobeedoowapboopdeebadibadooboodoowopbeedoodidadibidoodibadibeedoowapbap.
hallo benjamin. i just remembered you were doing stuff with your page and thought i'd check it out. pretty nifty. okay, i should be reading. do you want to know something i learned today? i learned how to buff a floor, yes with one of those buffers. and just so you know, if you stand on it, it does make you go round and round just like on tv! now you know, and knowing is half the battle. =D

Brian Gin - 06/22/00 09:46:04
what are you going to eat today: Well, usually my diet consists of various quantities of string cheese...but since it's summer and I'm home, I'll eat whatever momma cooks
last or next online purchase: I think I would like to buy a blue hairless butt monkey...yes...tha'll do
teach me how to say something cool in another language: "woof" in the canine language can have a variety of meanings ranging from "i just smelled your is pleasant" to "ha ha, i just crapped on your lawn"
latest addiction: I think i'd have to say i'm addicted to my monitor seeing that i stare at it probably about 50% of my conscious day
do you have a favorite pen?: no but i have a you?!?
word to yell out randomly in public: UMBADA!!!
Nice update Ben...keep it up(dated...ahaha). U know, i still have your kapo thingy from like 3 years ago. Anyways, i'm goin to bed now...the birds are chiping...i think it's a sign.

Kristen - 06/12/00 06:14:44
what are you going to eat today: today!!! today is almost over.....but if i had a choice.........chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. or any other dessert is fine with me
last or next online purchase: i bought pj's from they are SO comfy
teach me how to say something cool in another language: chingada! (ahahaha i'm not going to tell you what it is if you don't already's baaad)
latest addiction: britney spears music! hahaha! it's soooooooo catchy...ugh
do you have a favorite pen?: i do, i stole it from my art teacher because i hate him
word to yell out randomly in public: BLEH
hehehehe it's too late @ night to think of more creative things to write, but if i ever get an idea, i'll sign your guestbook over and over again. i like how your new page looks. very pretty. except it's a little hard to read the words for the links becau e it's blue on blue. well, put up the other sections and i'll check back periodically. bye!

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