Lana Yumi Lee - 02/22/98 23:34:19
My URL:http://nope
What's your AOL screenname?: MvK43YuHjA...and sometimes YuMi82GiRL
Whats your favorite website?: i dunno...mine, when i make one...hahaha
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: i dunno...alwayz changes...turbo, dj doc, HOT, jinusean
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: hmm...i dropped my eraser in class during a test and as i reached over to get it, my desk (including me) almost fell over...but luc ily, since i am so fast, i didn't fall and make a fool of myself...*pHeW*
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: people...j/p!!~ umm...i hate many things..ok? ok
Will you marry me?: sorrie...i'm already married

i had to update my guestbook sign thing cuz that one was old and ugly...this is the newer e-mail and stuff like that...okie, i gotta go start my sookjae...laterz!!

wonderman2 - 01/29/98 07:04:13

wonderman - 01/29/98 06:52:55
What's your AOL screenname?: wonderman 187
Whats your favorite website?: wondermanz
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: wonderman
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: wonder.. you know man?
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: wonderring
Will you marry me?: yess!!!

wunderring is so cool hu... hahaha EVERYONE RELOAD THE PAGE :)

SaM LeE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 01/29/98 06:13:42
What's your AOL screenname?: samlee32
Whats your favorite website?: NOT THIS ONE! HAHA FOO!!~
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: not Mase...the CD sux
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: do homework
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: homework
Will you marry me?: already married

i didn't have a chance to look over yer site, because i just like signin guestbooks coz signin guestboox are the poktan because i just like to ramble and take up space. yup...i have nothing else to say but look, just saying i have nothing else to s y is taking almost or maybe more than 3 whole lines. wow. bye

- 01/29/98 05:59:55


- 01/28/98 04:18:36


kristen - 01/21/98 23:54:34
What's your AOL screenname?: mvk74yuhja, or yunameeh
Whats your favorite website?: this one! hehehe
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: i dunno, i like lots
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: wear jason youk's jeans.. j/p
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: biters
Will you marry me?: huh?

nice website... :) bye! *~kristen~*

Jeff - 01/13/98 08:45:24
What's your AOL screenname?: Highvoice
Whats your favorite website?: This one!
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: What?
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: What's Hapenning?!?
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: Someone with a deep voice
Will you marry me?: Sorry.

Hey Ben, isn't it funny when Mr. Camacho picks on me? Anyway... just saying hi.

James Yang - 01/13/98 08:41:34
What's your AOL screenname?: KungFu21
Whats your favorite website?: BoBo's Crib and This SITE
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: Erasure/Metallica/U2
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: Butterfly Twist
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: Someone who doesn't watch SouthPark
Will you marry me?: I'm not ready to make a decision yet.

Yeah! You're the coolest person in the world, although I've noticed no significant changes in this site, I seem to keep visiting it a lot. Wonder why? Anyway... it's cool that you laugh at all my jokes, and we have a blast in English when I visit you. We are going to have a South Park party, so leave some time open for that. We'll all sit down and enjoy a nice quiet calm marathon or something. Stay cool man!

LaNa YuMi LeE!!~* - 01/09/98 00:40:24
My URL:http://I doN't GotTs a uRL yEt
What's your AOL screenname?: YuMi82GiRL or Mv43yUjAh
Whats your favorite website?: this one!! iss koo...=)
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: K-Ci aNd jOjO r dA BoMb bAby!!!~ i also like TuRbO and Dj DoC
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: um...chop my hair off...heehee...i can't think if anything rite now
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: people who say that they r fat when they're not and juss say that cuz they wanna get compliments....i hella hate that...itz soo annoying....ugh!!
Will you marry me?: uh..maybe..later...hahah...i'm taken already...=)

this is a kewl page ben!! good job...this is one ob the better onez i've seen so, keep updating it and add in sum pix...we should take sum pix at church...bring a camera...aiite time to go, babye!!~

- 01/02/98 03:18:47

hahahaha... keke.. hahaha... hohoh... lala.

«­(¯`·-·´¯`·.¸ Nabu ¸.·´¯`·-·`¯)­» - 01/02/98 03:11:22
Whats your favorite website?: mine
Which music group/artist do you like the best?: Kci & Jojo
What is the craziest/stupidest/most outrageous/boringest/most interesting thing you've done in the past few months?: i thought about life
What is the single thing you hate/detest/abhor/loathe/can't stand?: my life
Will you marry me?: no.. i want to marry a

«­(¯`·-·´¯`·.¸ Nabu .·´¯`·-·`¯)­» Sometimes I think about dyin Unfortunately, I'm seein a lot of death in my life I seen a lot of friends die I seen a lot of family members die When I think about dyin, I think about a sense of re ease Just released from all the pressures and all the negativity I also think about, finally, gettin a chance to see all the loves ones again that left before me That'll be kinda fly Won't, it be, alllll, before my ti-me Walk through the g tes, see my grandmother See halaboge, see God, heheh *sigh* Shiz is crazy I never been afraid to die But I know I don't wanna die Not just yet anyway Feel like I got a lot more livin to do Lot of unfinished business KnowhatI'msayin? We'll see Won't it be far before my time? I know dyin What does it all mean? What does it all mean? I don't wanna die...

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