Gaurab's Home Town - Biratnagar

Biratnagar lies in the eastern part of the country and is the second largest city of Nepal. It is renowned for giving more premiers to the country then any other place. It is also famous for bringing the Industrial revolution in the country. It was the place where the Rana rulers established jute,sugar, textiles, buttons and other factories in the early 30's. Ironically, these factories are still functioning with worn out machines. In the years that followed other industries were erected and Biratnagar is still the home of many national industries. Inspite of so many industries, Biratanar city is greener then any other city in the whole of Nepal. A bird's eye view reveals only patches of houses among jungle of trees.

That's it, Biratnagar is the think tank of Nepal - whether it concerns education, economics, politics, flims or any other thing.

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