The Tao of Tetris

The true Tetris master's mind is still; the Tao flows through him and the pieces fall into place by themselves.

A novice went to a master and asked, "Master, how do I get the highest score?" Upon which the master proceeded to strike the novice about the head with his staff, and replied: "The true master does not care about scores, for he is at one with the Tao. If you play to achieve scores, you are denying the Tao and blocking its flow. Concern yourself not with such matters and you will be at one with the Tao."

Upon hearing this, the novice was enlightened.

There is only one way to play Tetris; the Way is the Tao.

One who concerns oneself with the game and playing it shall not play well. The true Tetris master does not think about Tetris; he just is. The Great Tao which is in all pieces flows through him and tesselates the pieces as they fall. His mind is clear and unconcerned, and nothing could be further from his thought than the game.

The true Tetris master does not give a damn about the outcome of the game; it is because of this that he plays it well.

In a sense, the same applies to all of life.