Macintosh Fonts

These are legal, licensed copies.


Texto en Español

Since the Font Face tag has been in use, HTML authors have had more flexibility designing web pages. However, a number have forgotten Mac users and have only included the Windows fonts.

Some of these fonts are very similar: Arial is similar to Helvetica, Courier New to Courier, and Times New Roman to Times. But unless the names are identical your browser will ignore the font and use the default.

To view web pages the way they were designed to be seen, download these free TrueType fonts for Macintosh. There is an example of each one above the link. If the link looks just like the image, you probably have the font installed already.

Just download, decompress, and place in your font folder.



Download this small (50KB) shareware utility to convert TrueType fonts from Windows to Mac.
(Or vice versa)
Read the included docs before using.

Essential Shareware


Shareware and freeware applications for web page design.

Arial (258KB)

Arial Black (67KB)

Comic Sans (161KB)

Courier New (388KB)

Georgia (328KB)

Impact (74KB) (49KB)

Times New Roman (432KB)

Trebuchet MS (290KB)

Verdana (276KB)

Webdings (Webdings) (117KB)

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Luigino il Pazzo.

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Luigino il Pazzo

Saturday, April 24, 1999

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