Welcome to KangarooLand!
Dr. Leonid F. Madorsky KangarooLand Logo Australian Mascot

Hi, mates! My name is Dr. Leonid F. Madorsky

Originally I'm from Moscow, Russia.

Since June, 1995 my family and I live in Sydney, Australia .

To live and to work in Australia - is it good, bad, or...?

If you'd like to immigrate to Australia and need information...? Clicking my Australian Links Collection you'll get the information that could help you to find the answers to some of your questions.

Коммерческий сайт по вопросам имиграции

Ограничения при получении туристической визы (статья)

English-Russian Fonts Library that I developed during 1991-94.

Demo Fonts English-


TTF Library

Small gift for all friends of mine:

Convertor KOI8 <-> CP1251 <-> DOS866 (23K)

for Windows 9x/NT

It was written in VB4 and you would need

  three VB-DLL files (0.5 Mb).



Radio and TV in Russian

Australian Radiostations

Write me (in English or in Russian)

Access Counter since August 1, 1997: 41503510

Last update - January 08, 2004