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Introduction - Welcome to VB Center
Thank you for visiting VB Center. The purpose of this web site is to provide Visual Basic developers with up-to-date information and resources, simplifying programming tasks. Check this site for frequent updates, as it grows in usefulness for the beginning to advanced VB developer.

What's New?

Detailed information on the latest additions and updates to VB Center.

Code Library

A categorized, descriptive source code library where code samples can be viewed and downloaded.

Developer Downloads

A categorized archive of developer downloads gathered from web sites throughout the Internet.

Links to other VB Pages

A categorized archive of VB-related links with descriptions and recommendations for the best VB pages on the Web.

Visual Basic Chat

This section of VB Center is being re-designed to fix reported problems.

Please send any comments or suggestions to us at vbcenter@geocities.com

This site was designed using Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe Photoshop, and is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or greater, an 800x600 screen resolution, and a color display set to high-color or above.

Visual Basic, Visual Studio, the Visual Basic product logo, ActiveX, Internet Explorer and the IE logo are copyrights of © Microsoft Corporation.

VB Center is a trademark of VB Center. © 1997, 1998 VB Center.

VB Center v2.0 - Last updated on 11.08.98

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