...Caution Wake Turbulence

or the continuing saga of William H. (Bill) Herron III (herron@iname.com).

Me, January 1998I got tired of the old page...it was time to change it out.

"Laugh-a while you can monkey boy!"

The following links make up the different parts of my life. Instead of putting all this stuff in one place, why don't you just click on what you're looking for?

December in New York City (get a rope)

The April Birthday Extravaganza

The August Pictures (In Color)

Personal Information (All About Me...)

Professional Information (The Glory, The Accolades...The Jobs)

Who's this FitzBubba Guy? (SCA)

The Rest of My Life (What Little of It There Is...)

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But, it is free. What do you expect for nothing? (Rubber Biscuit?)

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