Anastasis Chatzioglou
Civil Engineer / Developer
Software for Engineers
Civil Engineering
General Tools/Download
Footing 1.0
ManifestCreator 1.0 for Windows XP
Apply XP Themes to OLDER apps 25.11.01
Techical Tools
BMI Calculator 1.0-greek 10.12.01
Anasto.Geo ?
En easy way to calc your "right" weight
vobSplitter section                                         
vobSplitter 1.1 for DOS 30.03.00
Info to Communicate
vobSplitter 1.6 for Win16 10.04.00
Name: Anastasis Chatzioglou
vobSplitter 2.6 for Win32 26.11.01
Email: anasto AT
Email: anasto AT
Visitor since 30.3.01
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