I do not necessarily support the sites advertised on the geoguide!
Please forgive our incomplete links and dust as we bring back our site.
Thank you.

Welcome To Chozen's Graphics

Hello! We lost all our files and are trying to get them back up.                                                                                             Please be patient with us. We appreciate your wait.

All graphics I offer are copyright protected
(for a brief explanation of copyrights click here COPYRIGHTS).

The graphics I have are free with one requirement,
I require that those who use them must provide a link back to my site at                                                            Http://www.geocities.com/chozensgraphic.
The link can be text, or one of the graphics provided on this page
or on from the backgrounds sets that match.

My Graphics may be used on personal pages you may have.
Please do not use them on any business or for profit pages with out special consent.
And do not take them and add them to any collections.

Do not link directly to the graphics, you Must download them.

Custom Graphics
If you need Custom Buttons for a Set
or to tell me what you like or not about this site

Mail to Chozen@hotmail.com

I have links that will take you to different themes for the graphics.
To save the images click on them with right mouse button and choose save as.
With backgrounds click on the background and choose save background as.
On the main themed pages you will see samples of the backgrounds offered for
that them. You must click on the sample to go to the page that has the background
and the buttons and images that match them.
Most pages have bars and buttons and some can be special made for you upon request.
For bordered pages use the  <"UL"> tags to move the print on your page over.

New! I have been given permission to use the Art work
of Two Christian Artists. There is a special requirement,
if you use these selections. You must Link Back to Their Site
and my site on the page you use these special Backgrounds.

Click on the Artist name to view these special Backgrounds
  Rik Berry  (coming soon) Danny Hahlbohm
If you have used any backgrounds made by others using these two
artists work, please be kind enough to link back to their sites on
those pages of yours as well.


Angels        Animals        Bears     Christian


Just Designs    Fantasy    Floral    For Kids


Kitchen    Men/Dads    Moms/Babies   


Native American    Patriotic    People    Scenery


Wedding    Women    Christmas    Thanksgiving


Do not use any of the Graphics on this page.
They are Copyrighted for my own use Only and are
not offered for free or link back. Thank you.
All graphics on this site are Copyrighted by
Chozen's Graphics ©1998-2006

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Want to know about My family and I?

Chozen's Home Page

Images you can use to link back to me.

Chozen's Graphic Logo small       Chozen's Graphic Logo Medium

Chozen's Graphic Logo Large

or choose one that matches the set you've pick or my banner:
Chozen's Graphic Banner

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