Victoria   Mengual
               The Voice of the Catalan

Eloquence (translated by the Author)

                           I want to fall gently like a harsh-sweat
                                       drop, that trickles right now
                           from my fingers closed in the paper, and
                           to be nothing more than a scream of relief.

                           Weaving short melodies, only
                           for desire of the ardour of suffering
                           of body and soul, which aren't perhaps
                           darker than you and I.

                           Because love is no more than wanting, and
                           eloquence is the confession
                           of my fingers and the yet tired paper

                           as I'm falling gently like a harsh-sweat
                           drop, that trickling through
                           the large fingers of my hand, has died.


                            Vull caure amb suavitat com una gota
                            d'esquerpa suor, que regalima ara,
                            dels meus dits closos en el paper, i
                            no ésser res més que un crit esbravat.

                            Teixint melodies curtes, només
                            per desig en l'ardor del sofriment
                            del cos i de l'ànima, que potser
                            no són més obscures que tu i que jo.

                            Perquè l'amor no és més que un voler, i
                            l'eloqüència és la confessió
                            dels meus dits i del ja cansat paper

                            mentre caic suaument com una gota
                            d'esquerpa suor, que regalimant
                            pels llargs dits de la meva mà, ha mort.