A group of friends were talking and making racial slurrs about various races
and I think I am one of those races
present company excluded of course...
and I wonder when did I change?

A group of friends were talking about religions of which were bad
and i think I am one of those religions
present company excluded of course......
and I wonder when did i change?

A group fo friends were making fun of that age or sex
and I think I am one of those too
present company excluded of course.....
and I wonder when did I change?

And that person is really strange they believe in something unseen
and I think I do that too
present company excluded of course....
and I wonder when did I change?

And I feel bad because I don't speak up and say
I am one of those dont you see?
present company excluded as they look at me....
and I look in the mirror and I see the me I have always been
and I wonder when did that end?
When did I become someone else?
For I have done nothing but be a friend...
When did I get lost?
Where have I been that I am so different now?
and I wonder when did that change and how?


Ode to a friend

Some thought you ugly,
but you were beautiful to me.
You would make me mad,
smarter than you ought to be.
when I was lonely
you would come and talk to me.
You were more than anyone could see.
It is sad that your life had to end
for you were much more than a friend
Now your spirit will roam
I am still left alone
And I wonder if the saddness will ever leave..

this is dedicated to Stinkpot my cat who died on Feb 23 1999

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