
in a field far from when I am
a beast lies bound, trembling
a monk stands solemnly by
all good humour gone
the tiller waits nervously
wringing a poor cloth cap
tween his broken hands
d'aggan scowls defiantly
surrender of the sought sacrifice
she leans heavily into the plow's blade
crimsom welling quells a thirst
moot requirement tis done
she is broken 'pon the share of tha plow
deep within the land
paths converge neath a moonlit night
one ending
ensures one beginning
many more come unbidden
a boon to folk and field
unsure witness borne
on winged winds of fate
whispers softly for all would hear
I am the path
and the tide
the death in life
the field
the cursed plow
the soil that lies bitten
and accepts the life of another
the hunter
it's prey
the sweat that will toil and till
the one who's sweat is inevitable
the moon that rides bove it all
each moon silverd blade of growth
I am the greedy sacrifice

Karen/Vadasz/she as yet

This is my dream...of a long ago...
I know her not...and mourn her passing

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