
The Adventures of Snake Boy- The Rave King

The Adventures of

Last updated 7/6/99

A Work In Progress

Snake Boy-The Rave King is a work in progress, being undertaken by Brad Boes and Cathy Bedwell. Snake Boy is a living piece of art, and as such, requires nourishment. PLEASE READ SNAKE BOY. And when you are done, please e-mail us, and let us know what you think. Any suggestions about where Snake Boy and his friends should go, or what they should do would be greatly appreciately appreciated.

Babs is a spinoff of Snake Boy, being written by a large, peaceful assortment of humans. Because the group is large, the style that is emerging in the tale is very different from that of the Rave King- and has the makings of really cool reading!

WARNING: These pages are not politically correct!


Click Here to Read Snake Boy -Part One

Click here to go to Snake Boy -Part Two

Click here to go to Snake Boy-Part Three

Click here to read Babs

If you would like to download and read these stories offline, please click below for the works in .doc format. Your hard drive will love you!

Here for Snake Boy

And here for Babs

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