I had returned to Auburn High School. The reason was beyond me. I simply knew that I wasn't supposed to be there. I got out of my car and walked in the building with a feeling of dread encompassing my entire body. This was the building that housed nearly all that I hated and fought against for the last four years of my life, and now I had to go to school here again.
As I got out of my car, I looked over and saw Heather. Supposedly, she has changed, but when I saw her she was exactly the way I remember her. Smiling and happy. I hadn't seen her in the longest time, so I went up to her and gave her a big HELLO hug. I talked to her for a bit and then proceeded to begin my day at Auburn High.
I opened the door and looked at my watch. It was 7:35. I sighed and proceeded forward. The first person I saw as I walked in was Kody. He said "Hallo thar, Obermeyer." I said "Hey Kody..." somewhat hesitantly, because Kody wasn't exactly high on my list of people I liked. He said "Whatcha doin' back har? Din't choo gradjawate?" I replied "Yeah, I thought so. I don't want to be here." I didn't know why I was there, so I couldn't really answer his question. I did know, however, that Kody was being humane to me--something I had not experienced since perhaps my 8th grade year, when he and I were friends.
I followed him through the hall around the corner while talking to him, when we walked up to Wade. If it is possible to rank lower than Kody, Wade can do it. I decided to just ignore him to avoid any sort of confrontation. If it came to throwing punches, I would be more effective in a straightjacket. However, Wade didn't insult me or grunt the word "faggot" in my general direction. He was actually opening his mouth and enunciating words like he used to long ago. I was enjoying their company, oddly enough.
I sat down near the south entrance with those two waiting for school to begin. As we sat and talked, people would walk in. Some would say hi, some would silently pass by and pretend not to notice us. That was fine--we weren't there for attention. Just talking about stuff.
One of the other people that walked in was Mike. His hair was cut like it used to be back in high school. I said "Mike, what are you doing here?" and he said "What are you doing here?" I didn't know and neither did he. Though Mike also seemed to be acting like he did when we were good friends, I was more hesitant with him. I didn't feel totally comfortable.
We had our next class together. It was a psychic class. Dr. Ann Taylor, renowned child psychologist, was the psychic. She asked one girl a simple question and told her to think of the answer. The girl complied. Then Ann told her what she was thinking. The girl was amazed. I, of course, was skeptical.
Ann then told us to close our eyes and she would tell us a color. I forgot to close my eyes. When she told everyone their color, they would go into a jerking awkward "dance" and grunt the color that she told them. Mike was wiggling around going "BLUE! BLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE!" I hadn't gone into the trance, so I just stood there because I didn't even remember my color.
Next she told us all to think of a town in Iowa. Then she started listing off all the names that we were thinking of. I was thinking of Cherokee, and she said it, but then I thought "Well, she could just be listing towns in Iowa because there's no way we know what each other is thinking." So I decided to think "Weeble Wobble." I knew that wasn't a town in Iowa, so if she said "Weeble Wobble" then she was really reading my mind. Seconds later, she most certainly said "Weeble Wobble." I said "I'm a believer."
After class, Mike and I were walking to the cafeteria and he said "We should have been thinking of towns like F***er Face and S***head so that she would have said that stuff in front of the class." We missed our chance I guess.
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