
Comic Books

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Issue #1: The Death of Planarian Man
In the first issue of the Planarian Patrol comic series, the team deals with the death of their founding member and the following rise of their most dangerous enemy, The Mad Dr. Planarian! Led by the mysterious "Jeff," a new group of Planarian superheroes attempts to save the day! 24 pages

Issue #2: The Power of Uranus
What begins as an innocent vacation turns into a deadly encounter with a new villain, Blueface the Pirate Planarian! With the help of the Smart Planarian and the Planarian Patrol Reserves (led by The Russian Midget), the Planarian Patrol battles to save Uranus Boy Land and learn the secrets behind the theme park... 40 pages


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Retro Design by Neal Obermeyer
Avengers by Neal Obermeyer
Cover of Issue #1 by Neal Obermeyer
Cover of Issue #2 by Neal Obermeyer
Planarian Man by Aaron Shigley
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Planarian Man, The Planarian Patrol, and all other characters listed on this page are TM and Copyright 1997 Neal Obermeyer.