A Level Physics ALTERNATING CURRENTS Effect of resistance, inductance and capacitance in a series circuit. Phase lag and lead.


Both Capacitors and Inductors only store energy, returning the same amount of energy they take up every cycle , hence their average power is 0. Resistors dissipate an averager power of Vrms Irms or 1/2 Imax Vmax

Impedance is the combined effect of resistance, capacitance and inductance in a series circuit. By cosidering an AC circuit with a resitor, a capacitor and an inductor in, we can calculate the resultant relationship between voltage and current. The voltage in the inductor leads the voltage in the resistor by 900, and the voltage in the capacitor lags by 900. Drawing these on a phasor diagram, at their respectively different angles, it can be seen that

Z = SQR( R2 + (XL2 - XC2) )

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