The Umbrella, Briefcase and Bowler Hat Page!

The Bowler Hat Gallery

Bowler Hat (Version 1.0)

Bowler Hat (Version 1.1) Patch

Bowler Hat '98 (with free browser)

Bowler Hat - Satanic Edition

Stories of the Black Umbrella

The Black Umbrella of Marcus Gwibblethwait (Part 1)

Things To Keep In Your Briefcase

A collection of spelling mistaks mitakes miktasks mistkates errors.

An inflatable goat



A rare atifact with mysterious properties (like the holy grail)

What To Do With A Stray Twit When You Find Him

If you would like to contribute a picture to this site, post it up somewhere on the web (in *.gif or *.jpg format, and email the URL to me at Please don't send picture files through email, as they take ages to download. Any other contributions can be sent through email, as long as they are in text format. 1