Halloween Jokes


Q: What do you call a nervous witch?

A: A twitch


Q: what do you call a vampire ghost who has children?

A: A transparent


Q: Why did dracula have to take medicine?

A: To cure his coffin


Q: How does a monster cure a sore throat?

A: Gargoyling


Q: What do ghosts love to have for desert?

A: Iced screams


Q: Which day do monsters eat people?

A: Chewsday


Q: what is a ghosts favourite fruit?

A: Boonanas


Q: What is a skeleton's favourite vegetable?

A: Marrow


Q: What is a monster's favourite bean?

A: A human bean


Q: What is a monster's favourite desert topping?

A: Whipped scream.


Q: What is a vampire's favourite fruit ?

A: Necktarines


Q: How do you stop a Frankenstein biting his nails?

A: Give him screws


Q: What do you call a dentist who treats werewolves?

A: Brave


Q: What do you call a skeleton doctor ?

A: Bones !


Q: Why do skeletons wear dark glasses?

A: camouflage


Q: Have you ever seen a skeleton with dark glasses?


A: No? It works well, doesn't it?


Q: why is there only one Eiffel tower?

A: It eats its young


Q: Who did the zombie invite to her party?

A: Anyone she could dig up


Q: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

A: He had no guts.


Q: Why did the ugly ghost cross the road?

A: To visit the bootician


Q: What do you call a skeleton snake ?

A: a rattler !


Q:Why was the mummy tense and stressed?

A: He was all wound up


Q: Why are skeletons calm ?

A: Because nothing gets under their skin !


Q: Why are skeletons scared?

A: They are easily rattled


Q: Who did the witch call when her pot broke?

A: She called Ron (cauldron)


Q: What is the best way to see a zombie?

A: From so far away that you have to use binoculars!


Q: How do you hurt a vampire's feelings?

A: Tell him he has bat breath


Q: what do you get if you take a monster to the office?

A: Sole use of the elevator


Q: Why was the broom late to pick up the witch?

A: It over swept


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