I've decided that Sledge's Ledge needs something to keep you sheep coming back for more, instead of just visiting once, saying 'hey, that's remarkably cool and erudite', saving my URL on your Favourites list, and never returning. So, the Contest. Not a trivia thing, or a scavenger hunt or anything so piffly. This one'll take brains and creativity and artistic skill, perhaps the three things that I value most in life, even if I don't actually possess them all myself. Frankly, I need proof that there is intelligent and creative life in this virtual universe. So demonstrate your wit and originality and enter now.
Oh, and whoever sends me the best response each month will get their name in flashing, coloured lights on this very page, and if they have a home page, I'll put in a link to it. Sorry I don't have anything cool like Sledge's Ledge t-shirts to use as prizes, so this is the best I can offer. Deal with it.