Real Freaks

"Kids, don't try this at home. Practice at a friend's house
until you're really good, then come to us."
-- Jim Rose

The way I see it, there are three ways in which you can be fucked up. There are those, like me, who chose to do it to themselves. For whatever reason, we prefer to be different, to stand out in a crowd. Then there are those whose only escape from a truly horrifying environment is by recreating themselves and their reality. Finally there are those truly different people, such as those on this page. I am convinced that it must be genetic, because no one could consciously make themselves as freakish as the people below, and yet the backgrounds of many of them are remarkably 'normal'. In any case, to paraphrase an old roommate of mine, these folks are 'weird as fuck'. They are truly intriguing cases, one and all.

Sledge's Ledge and all related insignia are © 1996 Neil Allan
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