Gothic Freaks

Goth.  Freak.  Freak.  Goth.

"Anytime, anyplace, anywhere that I go
All the people seem to stop and stare
They say 'why are you dressed like it's Halloween?
You look so absurd, you look so obscene.'"
-- Ministry, 'Every Day is Halloween'

Ok, yeah, so I want to be a vampire. Sorta. Well, it basically depends on whose version of the legend we're talking about. See, there's plenty of different stories, and plenty of different associated benefits and disadvantages of being one of the undead. I totally enjoy the theory proposed by the White Wolf gaming company for their RPG Vampire: The Masquerade. In the wonderful little fantasy World of Darkness that they have created there are a couple of clans that I usually make characters from, namely Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian and Ravnos. All four of these have web pages, unfortunately, only one is really worth visiting, namely The Malkavian Home Page. Hopefully, one day, the lazy bastard running The Brujah Home Page will get his ass in gear and put something worthwhile on that page. If he doesn't I may just have to put together my own page. For the meantime, here are a few of the characters that I've used in various chronicles.

Of course, there's way more to the gothic subculture than just vampires. In fact, many goths would argue that vampires have nothing to do with being goth at all. In any case, I'm certainly not the one to decide for the rest of the world, so here's a bunch of generally non-vampiric sites that just ooze black, gothic, romantic sludge.
Dark Side of the Web

Sledge's Ledge and all related insignia are © 1996 Neil Allan
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