Showbiz Freaks

"In another dimension / with voyeuristic intention / well secluded / I see all"
-- Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Boob Tube The Silver Screen

The Boob Tube


Television, the drug of a nation...*click*
yeah, whatever. Don't confuse the media with the messages that it tells. Programming can be much more than vapid entertainment, as demonstrated by the following. Of course, that's just my opinion. You can still watch America's Funniest Home Videos if you really want.

Animaniacs | Twin Peaks
Strange Luck | Ren & Stimpy | TV Nation
Highlander | The X-Files | The Simpsons
Max Headroom | Forever Knight | The Kids in the Hall
Lois and Clark | The Tick

The Silver Screen


Movies rock. These ones rock better than most. If you haven't seen them, see them. I like a lot of other movies too, unfortunately, there don't seem to be too many fans willing to put the energy into making a decent tribute page to some of the best. I certainly know that I don't have that sort of time. Ah well...

A Clockwork Orange | Apocalypse Now
Blade Runner | Clerks
The Crow | Heathers
Pulp Fiction | Reservoir Dogs

Sledge's Ledge and all related insignia are © 1996 Neil Allan
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