Doors In Space

Doors open rapidly
but there is no one there
Feeling of dread and doom
Fall upon you
but you don’t even care

Like a laughter that ends abruptly
Leaving you sad, confused and scared
A breeze drifts by you
But there is no wind in this air
Eyes gaze upon you
Vacant, deadly, hollow stare

Quiet, tranquil evenings
Chaotic, hectic days
They don’t even feel different
I think they’re all the same

Feelings of traveling to somewhere
You’ve been thousands of times before
Knowing every word you’ll say
but still saying them once more

From a distance the strangers beckon you
With eyes that delve deep into your soul
Without returning the gaze
You know they’ve chained the door

Alone though
Still safe
Everything stops moving
Now, all you sense is space 1