Hazy Stares
Feel the sun upon your face.
Let your mind drift to a safe warm place.
Through the valley and over the hills
let the fog lift and the years disappear.
To when life was a pleasure
each moment a thrill.
Let your mind drift
and follow it there
Now all images turn inside
distorting space, destroying time.
Don't worry what you leave behind
for reality was always just a frame of mind
Yellow dove flies across a green sky.
Men lie bleeding but never die.
There are some woods where we use to play.
The sun was bright as we shared the days.
A babbling brook is close by,
it calls again to warm me with lies.
There is a mountain but it has turned to a hill.
It whispers of forgotten pleasures but I can not hear.
I find myself now in a meadow,
where the grass is taller than trees.
It seems I have changed size
but the world won't believe.
A bluebird flies by to wish me well
I join in her flight with a hazy stare.
Time my friend is a fiendish foe
and each moment that's lost
shall never return