RoN gUeTtA's HoMePaGe

My name is Ron Guetta. I'm a writer from Tel Aviv,
Israel. My debut book is "Shirim Leyeladim Gdolim"
(Adult Nursery Rhymes). It's a cult book. My mom
read it seven times.

Check my first virtual poem

Catch some Little Moments In Cyberspace

The first ever documentation of an Alien's look at life on Earth is here at The Alien Report

Take a look at my bookmarks

Billy Wilder's Cyber Apartment
My tribute to the great American filmmaker

The Alien's Guide To Tel Aviv
To enjoy this mega cool page, you better first

WE ARE NOT ALONE with shockwave u can Create your own alien !!! Dive in2 this WOW ! interactive experience now

This Homepage has a mantra ... But you can dig it only if you're shocked!

Get Shocked and Express Yourself on my Graffiti Wall

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The ultimate movie archive

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A fine guide to WWW in Israel

Read what Roger Ebert has to say about
the last movie you've seen

The Skeptic's Dictionary

A great selection of screenplays


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The Manhattan Skyline Webcam

CineMedia Site

The sync

The movie cliches list

Bertrand Russell

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since 3/13/96

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