


Gozar is a market as aisle with cover sealing. In the Sanandaj are two main Gozar, the Bratian Gozar and The Metal Sellers Gozar


Maidan is a very big space like a football stadium with shops all around it. The famous maidans in Sanandaj are: Vegitables Maidan In This Maidan you can find the fresh vegetables daily. When you entered to this Maidan you can smell the smell of vegetables and of course the delicious kebab that comes from the kebab restaurant opposite the vegetables shops.Carcoal Sellers Maidan In the past in this Maidan were a lot of charcoal sellers but with modernisation of the city and people use petrol for heating, these shops have closed and know you can see different small business' in this Maidan but, there is one or two shops that they sell charcoals yet.

Shoping centres

Now in Sanandaj are some modern shoping centres which is replaced with the old markets. The famous ones are the Habibi Passage, Aeeneh Passage, Ferdaosi Passage, Shaho Passage, Ashena Passage and Bazarche Saeed.

Again Maidan

Another meaning for the word of "Maidan" in Kurdish is roundabout and there is three main roundabouts: Maidan-E-Eqbal, Maidan-E-Shah and Maidan-E-Nobvat.

Gardens and Orchards

there is many gardens and orchards around the city. For picnic you can go to Salvat Ava Gardens just outside the city. These gardens are private but owners let the people in, but they will be very angry if you touch their fruits from trees Others gardens are near Haneas Village and in other side near the Abidar is the Vellai Faraidooni and ban Shellana.


Sanandaj from its history has buildings that shows the history of the city. Khasrav Ava, The Sanandaj Museum and its building, Qeshlaq Bridge, The Jameaa Mosque, The Sanandaj Church, Vakeal Building and Moshir Divan Building are some of them.
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