
Poem by 'Anon'

The moon was up and rising
The grass was bending double
Just the perfect kind of night
To conjure toil and trouble
The witches all were gathered
As the wind began to moan
The chalice and the sword
Lay on the altar stone
The High Priestess invoking
The mystery of life
The High Priest stood waiting
For the power to arrive
The coven began chanting
As the force began to rise
The maiden stood there motionless
With blank and staring eyes
Impossible to see through
The blindfold that she wore
She only had her senses
As they pushed her through the door
Through hellfire and water
The test about to come
Much too late for turning back
Now that she'd begun
Trusting in clairovoyance
She switched to overdrive
Hearing gushing water
Down the cavern walls inside
Deep inside the hillside
The stone beneath her feet
Spurred her ever onward
Her task now to complete
One mistake could end it all
She would be no more
She walked slowly downward
Toward the cavern floor
Think only of your training
You practised years for this
Push the fear and doubt away
You can't afford to miss
Through the fire and water
Your teacher did you proud
Emerging from the silent tomb
You hear the cheering crowd
Chanting getting louder
Now your goal's in sight
What you always wanted
Has come true this night
Now your powers gather
Stronger as you climb
Other arms surround you
As you're dragged into the light
Now it is all over
The battle has been won
Your initiation
completed now and done.

Copyright The Bentilean 1999
This poem was included in The Best of The Bentilean (July 1994).

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