Is there a God?

Article by Kevin Strider

Here Bent' Philosopher, Kevin Strider (previously Griffin) asks the question, "Is there a God?", and promptly save you the trouble of reading the rest of the article with the very first paragraph....

First of all let's get the question out of the way, 'Does this dude who'e writing this rubbish believe in God himself?' The answer is NO I DON'T! In fact, I find the whole idea of the point and purpose of God a load of utter crap and the biggest lump of bilge in the entire History of Man. There, that's got that out of the way!!

Let's start with the first verse of that totally useless book, the English Bible....

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth."

This answer the age old problem of WHERE DID ALL THIS COME FROM?, it's nice, it's simple, and it's only ten words long. There is no need for any scientific formulae, just the ability to read (if you are foolish enough to want to read it -- like I once was), or just the ability to listen to some other unfortunate soul (HA HA!! soul, that's another good one) reading it to you.

The averagely intelligent guy will say "Ah, but if the universie had a beginning, then God must have had one too, mustn't he? The pathetic religious response to all this is "Yes, but God has always existed, you see, therefore He never had a start, He's Eternal." CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!!! If God didn't have a beginning, then you could just as easily said that the universe didn't have on either. That way there is no need for this entire God Thing in the first place!!

Let me enlighten you: IN THE BEGINNING MAN WAS AFRAID OF DEATH, then along came this really clever dude who thought to himself "These guys are really thick. I'll just give tthem a load of mammoth's dung about a God who'll give them Eternal Life, in a Fantastic Place, that they can't see until they've died. That way the fear of death will be partially removed, the Chief will have no trouble getting the young tribesmen to risk their lives in battle, and I can cash in on all the goats and women that the foolish plonkers who believe this bilge will give to Him."

I mean, this religious thing is pretty good, i'n'it? You get an Eternal Soul, Everlasting Happiness, and the assurance that all those niggling little questions that you had during your time on Earth will be answered when you've died. Sounds great, but there's a catch. You must do exactly what this God Guy says (as told to you by the Priest Guy, who's the only one with His 'phone number), which means living something called a Sinless Life, and doing what the Authorities of the Land tell you to, as long as that doesn't conflict with the something call God's Word (as interpretated for you by that Priest Guy again). Sound simpel enough, but leads to a totally boring life: no sex before marriage, no adultery, no fornication, no swearing, no killing, no lying, in fact, no anything remotely Human. You just have to live like a mindless zombie, then wait for the Huge Reward that you'll get when you go up to God's Place.

God was invented, yes invented, as he really doesn't exist. With the concept of God you can Control People: get them to do what You think they should do, keep civil unrest to an absolute minimum, and get the fools to give you loads od dosh that you can waste on all the things that you tell everyone else not to do.

Still not convinced, then let's look at some Totally Humourous quotes from that strange book, The Bible.

"But the meek ones themselves shall possess the Earth."

So this means that all those warriors that fought in all the wars of the past won't stand a snowfalke's chance in Africa (Hell doesn't exist either) of possessing the Earth, even though they were blessed by the God Guy before they went to battle, another interesting point is, if the meek inherit or possess the Eartth, then who gets to go to Heaven? Doesn't the same book say that these very meek people will go to Heaven and Earth then Heaven must be on Earth, afterall they can't be in two places at once, you know.

Here's another one:

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God..."

If all the scriptures are inspired by this God Guy then why do some of them contradict themselves? Perhap this God Guy is a schizo? Also, if God really did write this crap then why are there so many interpretations of the same verses within different sects of Christianity which all profess to worship this God Guy?

So you can see that there are a few points in the Bible that give rise to questioning the existence of God purely because of the absurdity of his very own book.

Why doesn't everyon just accept their lot on Earth? You only get one life, so make as much of it as you can. There is no need for some stupid idea that God exists. When you die, you rot, or get cremated, and that's it matey!

What is the point in Life then, you may ask.

There is no point. Life itself came about by Pure Chance. The Best Thing You Can Do, if you want a Purpose to Your Life, is to write some articles for this Wonderful Magazine. This is a lot better than going to some stupid building, singing some daft songs, and giving money to some bald headed pleb who likes wearing his collars back to front.

NB: Some capitalisation, extra punctuation, and some words,
were added in the process of editing. All scriptures quoted are
from the King James Version of 1611.
-- John Steele (The Bent' Ed')

Copyright The Bentilean 1999
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