Letter from Ann Pass

Dear Bentileans,

A lot of people in Stoke-on-Trent know me as a fund raiser. Over the last twenty years I have raised many thousands of pounds for different charities, and have see many happy faces on handicapped children, elderly, and many other people. I have been given trophys, certificates, and even a "Heart of Britain" award.

Why I am writing all this is because all these mean a heck of a lot to me, but I was given the greatest gift of all not so long ago. I am a single mother of six girls, my oldest is 11 and partially blind. Not so long ago I met Jane, from the Bentilee Volunteers, and Angie, from the Spring Cottage pub. When they got to know about Miriam, they didn't hesitate in saying they would like to raise the money so my little girl could have an operation that would help her see properly.

I would like to say that Jane and Angie are worth more than trophys, medals, certificates, or anything else. They've given me a gift of Hope, and now I know what people mean by "God sends gifts to those who wait."

Thanks Jane & Angie,

love from Ann Pass.

The Bent' Ed' writes........

"It has always been the policy of this magazine to be open to as wide a range of people as possible and provide them with a place to have their say. So if you have something to get off your chest, tell fellow Bentileans, or just suggest ways to improve the mag (shurely not?) then write to the address given on page three."

.........so lettus hear from you!

Copyright The Bentilean 1999

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