Well known portuguese navigator, born in Sines (1469-1524), to whom D. Manuel I trusted the leadership of the fleet that in July 8, 1497, set sail from river "Tejo" searching for India, and that was composed of four small vessels: St. Gabriel, St. Rafael, Bérrio and St. Miguel.

He was the first European to reach India by the sea route around Africa.


The Gods of the torment and the giants of the land
Suddenly suspend the hatred of their war
And are astounded. Through the valley of sky's ascension
A silence emerges, and moves, from the mist waving the veils,
First a movement and then astonishment.
By its side, while it lasts, the fears, shoulder by shoulder,
And away, the trail roars in clouds and gleams.

Down below, where land is, the shepherd freezes, and he drops
the flute, and in ecstasy he sees, by the light of a thousand thunders,
The sky opening the abyss to the Argonaut's soul.

Fernando Pessoa, Message

Sail Home Navigators

Concept & Design:
Pedro H. Duarte

Music: Whereto should I express - TUDOR, Henry VIII (1491-1547)
Midi by Curtis Clark