Well known portuguese navigator. It is not known where or when he was born.

In 1486, D. João II trusted him with the leadership of two vessels, weighting 50 tons each, to bring him news of Prestes João.

He first discovered the "angra dos Ilhéus", today called Spencer bay, and then the "cabo das Voltas". He was then hit by a fierce storm.

For thirteen days in a row the sailors were at the mercy of furious winds and waves. When the storm cooled down, they searched for shore towards east, but they only found sea.

In 1500, Bartolomeu Dias sailed with Pedro Álvares Cabral in the famous trip when Brasil was found.


Here lies, in the small extreme beach,
The Captain of the End. Having ceased the Astonishment,
The sea remains the same: should no one fear it now!
Atlas, shows the world high on his shoulder.

Fernando Pessoa, Message

Sail Home Navigators

Concept & Design:
Pedro H. Duarte

Music: O Venus Bant - AGRICOLA, Alexander (c. 1446-1506)
Midi by Curtis Clark