Portuguese navigator and warrior (XV). Close colaborator of Dom Henrique.

He introduced families and cattle in the islands of Santa Maria and São Miguel (Azores), of which we was the first captain.


What voice comes in the sounds of the waves
Which is not the voice of the sea?
'Tis the voice of someone who speaks to us,
But that, if we listen, silences,
For having been listened.

And only if, half asleep,
Not knowingly listening we listen,
That it tells us of the hope
To wich, like a dormant
Child, we smile in our sleep.

'Tis fortunate islands,
'Tis lands without a place,
Where the King lives waiting.
But, if we awaken,
The voice shuts, and there's only the sea.

Fernando Pessoa, Message

Sail Home Navigators

Concept & Design:
Pedro H. Duarte

Music: pavanne l'Admiral - GERVAISE, Claude (c. 1540-1560)
Midi by Curtis Clark