Artist in Residence
Frank Hasbrouck Bevier: Impressionism and Abstract Expressionism
Jerry Falwell. 14" x
18". Oil on Canvas. 1981. This was originally done in black ink on colored
paper. It was subsequently painted in magenta (this painting) and later with a
red background. I am not particularly a fan of Jerry Falwell, but I like to
listen to the Evangelists, including Billy Graham and more recently Greg Laurie
from Calvary Chapel. I went to a Baptist Church in
Valdosta, Georgia on Sundays when I was a child,
and attended Sunday School at the same church in Valdosta.
Suella. 24" x 36". Oil on Canvas. 1981. I looked after my
daughter, Suella, when my wife was working. We were living near Newcastle,
England. Suella used to take a nap every afternoon. I first did this composition
in graphite on paper while Suella was sleeping one afternoon.
Collection of Suella Bevier, Tucson Arizona.
Woman Ironing. 38" x 28". Oil on Canvas. 1981. This was first
drawn in oil pastel on paper, and later refined in oils. The woman is based on
Lucy Hunt, who visited me in Boulder, Colorado. Lucy was my cousin Barbara's
college roommate, and was a Home Economics major at the State University of New York.
Gallery Entrance
[keywords: Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier,
Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier,
Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier,
Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier,
Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier, Bevier,
Hasbrouck, Hasbrouck, Hasbrouck, Hasbrouck, Hasbrouck,
Frank Bevier, Frank Bevier, Frank Bevier, Frank Bevier, Frank Bevier,
Impressionism, Impressionism, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Falwell,
Suella Bevier, Suella Bevier, Suella Bevier, Lucy Hunt, Lucy Hunt, Lucy Hunt,
Lucy Hunt, Lucy Hunt, Lucy Hunt, Lucy Hunt, Lucy Hunt, Lucy Hunt]