other people's poetry

Poem by Tori

the night.
my soul.
thank you.

Poem by Penda

laughter turns into tears in the shadows of a past love
looking for peace in the back of a gun
blood falls to quench the thirst of angry devils
that we have since become
to the tops of buildings run children
searching for the final thrill
holding hands, turning fading memories into legends.


iF i hAd a WoRlD OF mY owN, EvErYtHinG wOuLd bE NoNSeNsE. nOtHing WouLd bE WhAt iT Is, bEcAuSe EvErYtHinG wOulD bE wHat iT iSn'Tand CONTrarlyWisE, WhAt iT Is, wOuLdN'T bEaNd wHat IT wouLDN't Be, IT WOULD

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