Trainspotting is due for a platform release in the United States, which means...

July 19 - New York, Los Angeles
July 26 - Fifteen largest art-film markets (not necessarily the 15 largest cities)
August 2 - Forty largest art-film markets
August 16 - wide(r) release

This timetable is based on hearsay and speculation on my part, so don't quote anything you read here. Your best bet is to stop by your local "art theatre" and ask the managers when it will be released in your city. These platform releases are not strictly based on population - my city of San Antonio TX (with 1 million people) will not get Trainspotting until at least August 16, yet Austin TX (with ~ 500,000 people) will get the film on August 2, because it is a college town with a large market for foreign films.

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