Chez Timpko


Rectangular Children 

Honorable Cats  

Worth a Thousand Words 


Public Storage

Rectangular Children 
Don't Crack Those Spines!  

Many years ago Denise heard a science fiction author refer to his books as "rectangular children," an expression to which she instantly related. We own about 10,000 books. 

Book collectors take care of their books, which means we don't break the spines, bend the corners of pages as bookmarks, put greasy hands over their pages, and so on. Chuck is more a purist than Denise and loathes to have "eye tracks" on collector's editions, which means that he buys reading copies to avoid harming the collector's edition.

URL: Last Updated: 1/12/2009

Copyright 1999-2009 by Denise Harlow Timpko
All rights reserved