dix's WWW Bookstore

Buy your way to happiness and that special feeling that comes from being superior to your neighbor. Here are some books recommended by Dix (presented in association with Amazon.com.) Order your copy or obtain prices by clicking on the books. BTW, Amazon is a discount bookseller with prices 20% - 40% off of retail charges, and the books are quite reasonable.

Miss Manners rescues civilazation.   Miss Manners is here to rescue us from ourselves. Always polite, generous with incisive social commentary and a lady among ladies, Judith Martin is one of Dix's heroine's.
(Take me to the top, Dix.)

0517706733.GIF Okay, so maybe Dix hasn't bought this one yet. But she'd like to. Miss Manners is a communicator extraordinaire, so it's bound to be a keeper.
(Take me to the top, Dix.)
DONTUNDERSTAND.GIF Deborah Tannen has some fascinating insights into cross-gender communication. Although she does plod a bit at times, her talk books are filled with interesting RL examples of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and missed opportunities. You're sure to see yourself somewhere in there, and learn some stuff along the way. 
(Take me to the top, Dix.)
VERBAL SELFDEFNSE.GIF The Verbal Self-Defense books are classics with good reason. They teach how to effectively deal with mean people without becoming one. A must-read for anyone who sometimes has to deal with difficult and unpleasant people. And if you don't, please tell Dix what your secret is so she can sell it.You'll get a cut.
(Take me to the top, Dix.)
DILBLERTPRINC.GIF Dix's husband, Chip, says this book is changing his life. While Dix may find that comment a bit overstated, Scott Adams once again impales the workplace with his edgy, ever-so-slightly exaggerated (?) but keenly accurate observations of the workplace. Dilbert is one of us. Dix's favorite part is the RL emails from frustrated workers.
(Take me to the top, Dix.)
dogbert.gif This is another one on Dix's "to buy" list. Dogbert is such a cute little cynic, it's hard not to love him. And managers can be so annoying, it's hard not to ridicule them. Sounds like a good bet.
(Take me to the top, Dix.)
0836228995.GIF Dix really loved this one, although we can't be sure she wasn't unduly influenced by the thought of wearing her robe and slippers to work. LOL funny, and that's saying a lot.
(Take me to the top, Dix.)
Look here in the future for more of Dix's favorites, or feel free to make some suggestions of your own.

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06/13/99 06:14 PM

huh?Delusional behaviors have occurred in this lifetime. If you want to see verification, veiw my guest book. If you want to your own examples, sign my guest book. And thanks for stopping by!