When the Night Falls, Part 1: "Destiny's Call"

Writer/Creator.........................................Jerry Jones
Initial Layouts and Pencils......................David Johnson
Layouts/Pencils/Finishes/Inks.................Curtis Hawkins
Lettering...................................................Le Ordinateur
Creative Consultant.................................Curtis Hawkins

Jerry Jones

Award winning author who resides in Joplin Missouri and creator of Nightwalker. Many of his articles can be found in back issues of "The Undergrowth" magazine.

David Johnson

David worked for MODERN KNIGHT COMICS as a consultant and did the inital layouts and penciling of the first issue, though eventually bailing out when it came time to finish it and start the second issue. Most of his work was redrawn due to the sub-par nature.

Curtis Hawkins

Former (and future) student of the Academy of Arts in San Francisco, Curtis stepped in to complete the work started by David and redo a lot of the pencils. His art adorns the final version of the book and the website.


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