 "No BoNes About It---Change Is Inevitable" : Written By Nickie

I've read some great books in my time.  Some were made into movies--a few were good, a few were awful.  The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy, for instance--wonderful book, written in the 30's, about the French Revolution.  A movie made in the 80's based on that and another Orczy book, Eldorado, was just as good, if not better, than the book.   Another piece of literature, Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, was also good, despite a bad ending.  The 90's Ethan Hawke version was terrible, trashing the book and twisting it into something completely different.

What do old, literary works have to do with BoNe?  They were made into movies. And soon, BoNe will join their ranks among hundreds of other books, comics, and video games made into movies by Hollywood.  Some were flops, some were
blockbusters.  But ALL had to be changed in some way or another before they could be put into suitable movie form.  Which, inevitably means---changes will
be made to BoNe.

Before it even went into the public in color, via "Disney Adventures" magazine, little things were changed here and there; some obvious, some clear
only to the veteran BoNehead.  I feel that most of these changes will be made to the movie as well.

Here's a list:

1.  The Great Red Dragon---no cigarettes.  It's obvious that someone so tough wouldn't smoke, not to mention the latest controversies about tobacco.

2.  Smiley Bone---no cigars.  In "Disney Adventures", the part of the story where Fone followed Smiley's cigar butts into the valley was kept, but when Smiley later appeared in Issue 4 at the Barrelhaven, his hands were kept in the same poses, but his cigar was edited out.  So nobody knows Smiley is a chain smoker.  I imagine that in the movie, his habit, like the Dragon's, will be cut out entirely.

3.  Phoney Bone---his infamous quote, "GOD, I pity me", was changed to "GOSH, I pity me" by DA.  In the movie, there's a good possibility that this line
will be cut out all together, although this seems like the least likely change that will occur.  Oh, and that 'New Age School of Lamaze and Bungy-Jumping'
scheme of his?  According to DA, it never happened, and probably won't in the movie, either.

4.  Fone Bone---good ol' Fone Bone shouldn't be changed at all.  But I can assure you, every BoNe fan will find some change, no matter how big or small, to complain about.  And believe me, I'll be first in line.

5.  Thorn---The bath scene, the cleavage (however discreet it may be), the short skirts and tight pants:  sorry, Thorn, but it's all gonna have to go.

6.  Kingdok and the Rat Creatures---(hey, that sounds like a musical group!) Well, there seems to be a 50/50 chance that Kingdok won't talk.  Completely unnecessary in my opinion.  If a little kid sees this movie and has nightmares, it ain't gonna be because he talked.  It'll just be the sight of
him in that spooky atmosphere.  And along those lines, if they think that's too scary, then the rat creatures shouldn't growl and hiss as much. (I'm
against this, too.)

7.  The Hooded One---for some bizarre reason, DA took out the scene in Issue 6 (the last one they printed) that had Phoney's encounter with the Hooded One. I suppose they figured the whole thing about soul-snacthing was just too much for a 10-year-old to be exposed to, when most have seen movies or games with worse plots.  The thing is, this scene is necessary to the plot, so why take it out?  Surely they'll keep it in the movie...won't they?

What do you think?  Do you believe some, none, or all of these changes will take place?  Can you think of any more? Post 'em in the Bone Book!