Four more Short Poems!
Four more Short Poems, all fit on a single side 
of a single piece of paper. Ok, some of them are not
quite poems, more like short short short stories, but

Why write poetry?
"Why write poetry?" a poet was once asked.
He was also a reclusive comedian,
So the poet answered, loudly, psychotically:
"So the voices stop!" The questioner left.

The Best Poetry
The best poetry comes, not while awake,
and trying to write poetry. The best
poetry comes when the mind's activities
are least controlled; The best poetry 
comes in a dream.

Job Interview
An out of work comedian went to a job
interview once. The interviewer asked:
"So what's your philosophy on timelyness?"
Being a comedian, the man answered:
"When I show up, I show up." He didn't get the job.

I love the rain.
How could I not?
The slow rhythmic fall of the drops,
The cascading of water from the sky,
The bright lightning, and earsplitting thunder,
The cool wetness on a hot day.
Ah Rain!
Nature's way of giving life to everything.
Where would we be without it?
So next time it rains, thank the clouds!

-Written in 1996

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