To Grasp the Distance, Pull it Close
To Grasp the Distance, Pull it Close

To grasp the distance, pull it close.
To reach across space, and feel, touch,
taste, smell. My gosh, I even miss the 
prickly astroturf against my skin, not
because of the itchyness, but because
She is wearing it.
I sometimes get to hear, but not very 
See! How could I forget seeing?
But here I sit.

2nd To grasp the distance, pull it close; To reach across space and feel, touch, taste smell. And see. Really see. My mind has an image, but this image is pale, imperfect, worse than a reflection. Sometimes I get to hear. But even that Isn't quite enough, or at least hasn't been For a while. But it can be. Of course I still want to feel, touch, taste, smell and see, and not just a little.
3rd To grasp the distance, pull it close: No more. That time has ended, painfully, Finally. And still I feel, I feel...Something. What it is, I do not know. Sadness, loss. I saw her again, but of course nothing remained of what used to be. And that is the way I want it, The way it has to be. But that makes it hurt no less. -Written: 1st: September 1997, 2nd: October 1997, 3rd: November 1997

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