Hang in There
Hang in There

When things are bad,
Hang in there.
If things aren't going well,
Hang in there.
Hold on for one more day.
And then another.
One day at a time.
"Slow and steady wins the race."
A cliché, yes; But a good one in some ways.
Life is waiting and often being surprized.
"Life is full of surprizes;it advertizes Nothing."*
says one band. All too true.
Another band says "I get by with a little help from my friends."**
This is prehaps the best quote.
So Hang in there, and while I can't promise
"everything will be all right,"
I can promise that whatever happens, I'll be here.

-Written 3-12-1996

*Depeche Mode, "Nothing"
**The Beatles "I get by with a little help from my friends." (Correct me
if I am wrong, please.)

The Writing Page

Thou mayest leave a message here which will get to the lord of this realm, via e-mail. You get an odd thought as you stand here: "This is all somehow related to or provided by Geocities." 1