Stuff You Really Don't Need to Read to Understand our Comic

Hi all, well it's Nika and Poppy here - it's been a long five years since we first met at University and created the Parias. Since then, they've given us a lot of laughs, and helped us through many a difficult time at school. Now, however, I guess we've officially graduated, and so will be going our separate ways. OF COURSE we'll still be friends, but we've decided that, as the Parias began with University, we'd end it there too. Pretty much we're no longer going to be updating this page - keeping it as a memento and all that.

So what are we up to? What did that 5 years of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo really do for us? (Other then give us six totally fun characters, tons of stories, and some great/promising artwork?) Well ...

Poppy is off to Carnegie Mellon University to do a PhD program in Robotics. (I know .. I know ... more school??? What would the Parias say?). As for me, Nika, well, after spending some time bike couriering in Toronto, I am heading off to Seattle to work for Microsoft. (I know ... I know ... what would the Parias say?)

So if you have shared in our five years here through the Parias, then I hope you, like us, got a smile or two out of them.


Nika and Poppy, June 1999.

If you want to see our original about us (when we first started the Parias) click here.

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