One day in 1981, an Apple II+ arrived in my office. Nobody knew what that funny machine could do. But, when our mainframe guru showed us that a few lines of BASIC could produce a simple green wireframe cube in 3D, it was the beginning of a love affair with computer graphics.

I am not a professional graphics designer, although I had my own photography studio in the past. I can barely draw a straight line. I am self-taught and I use graphics tools as an outlet for some of my creative juices.

Two of those tools are especially dear to me: Adobe Photoshop and KPT Bryce - on a Mac, of course :) With the Web, I finally found a real life outlet for my interests ... I am a "webmaster" (so who isn't these days). But I actually get paid to do this stuff! You can check out my web site with the New York State Education Department.

The Right Brain Studio idea comes from the obvious notion that the creative side of our psyche resides in the right side of the brain. I welcome comments, suggestions and help at

K. S. Wittman

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