Welcome to
my original
'96 vintage 
Web abode...

To turn the background 
music ON or OFF.

I'm keeping this page in its original look
as a kind of time-capsule of the days
when the Web was very young (circa 1996).

A New York Experience - by Rene Tubilleja

Here are some articles, some attempts at arts, things of interest, and links which might help to show what we, the ordinary people in New York, actually do on a day-to-day basis. You'll see us driving to work, dining or cooking, doing hobbies, taking care of spiritual matters...
This little bouncy guy must be so happy we were interviewed and featured in the TV show "Wall Street Journal Report" last November 1997 and then again in February 1998. The same show, a report about building Web sites, was simultaneously broadcast nationwide on CBS and other syndicated channels.




Win this 
stamp and 
others like 



The Manhattan 
(A Javascript
Program I made 
by my humble 


Click the icon to 
locate a NYC 

Some important things you need to know when visiting New York.

    For those who like to travel by car, here's something you'd like to read first before venturing into NYC — "How to Drive in New York like New Yorkers Do"
    A small collection of tips and techniques for driving in the Big Apple. This, so that the locals would be led to believe that you are one of them—in spite of the out-of-town license plates—and so give you a respectful berth.

    "How to Avoid Being Robbed in New York"
    New York is nowadays a very safe and enjoyable place to visit. It's afterall the "Capital of the World". But, well, one can't be too careful. So here are some tips on how to keep safe during your stay.

    Do you know how to find an address in Manhattan? There is a long-drawn formula on how to do this. But this JavaScript program I developed some 3 years ago, simplifies it to just typing the number and a couple of clicks-
    "The Manhattan Automatic Address Finder"


Like to get some rare stamps for free?  

    WIN! WIN! WIN!
    I'm giving away 10 collectible and unique pre-World War II U.S. Postage stamps known as the "United States - Commonwealth of the Philippines" edition stamps. (To view the actual stamps, click on the link above.)

    Simple Contest Rules: Write me an email explaining why I should consider giving you one (or two) of the stamps. You could write me anything at all. Maybe you'd like to write an essay about Philippine history, or a nice poem, or say you're a long-lost cousin, or even offer money (I might get offended by this last one, or maybe not, ha-ha). I'll choose the winners, send them the stamps, and maybe publish their works here. Send your submission by email, along with your regular mail address, to: rene@the-big-apple.com. Good luck!   



    Marta Balla from Argentina has received two stamps entitled "Magellan's Landing" and "The Carabao" for her essay entitled "The Latin Americans of Asia" (1998).

    Virmarie Ruiz from Brooklyn, New York, has received three stamps entitled "Filipina Beauty", "Honest Abe", and "Jose Rizal - Philippine National Hero" for her letter entitled  "I Love New York, But I Miss the Old Country" (1998)

    Teddy Sy from New York City and Marie-Cecil Diaz of Los Angeles, California, has each received 2 stamps for some nice comments they sent my way in 1999.

    Jumar Vencilao, a Computer Engineering student in Davao City, Philippines, and an avid stamp collector, sent me this nice little poem in October 2000, entitled "I Dreamed of Land..." . I was naturally pleased and sent him 3 stamps for sharing his work with us.

Convert Fahrenheit 
to Celsius (Another Homemade Javascript 
Program by 
Yours Truly.)

If you're new in New York (or the U.S.) you must be more familiar with temperatures 
in Celsius. Enter the fahrenheit in the box and click "Celsius"





Some food for thought: 

For better spiritual results, use your Faith or Religion as 
you would 
your own computer.
Just click on the prescribed buttons and keys without question. Meaning, just follow whatever prayer format or rituals are required.
They have been known to work... 

(Now, when you really think about it, do you usually want to know the scripts and codes the programmer wrote for this application? No, right? 
So long as it works).

So, there...

My Other Articles:
  • My Monthly Column in "The Filipino Catholic"  A monthly newspaper originally catering to the New York and Northeastern states, but now finds readers in Canada and the Pacific coast as well.  My first article was in October 1999,  taking to task the folly and the lack of Faith by  the Y2K Doomsayers then.  I have since continued to write monthly columns for this newspaper.
  • Bonsai-It-Yourself A simple tutorial on how to make your own bonsai, without spending a fortune.
  • Bonsai: A Quiet Retreat for City Folks Some tips on caring for bonsai in city homes, especially where it gets cold in winter.
  • Some NY poems I've been known to write really odd poetry, but these are traditional. In 1984, I was new in New York and needed to do a lot of driving around the city as part of my job. So I wrote poems about the city's better-know thoroughfares. In March 2001, one of my poems, entitled Ode to the East River Road, was selected for publication in the book An Eternity of Bliss, The International Library of Poetry (ISBN:0-7951-5017-2)
  • Inspirationals Some thoughts about prayer, miracles, and all that stuff. Add your own if you wish.
My Other Works and Interests:
  • Paintings Some oil paintings done in NYC but of the old country; a trip into nostalgia-land.
  • Stamp Collections The subject of the contest above. Stamps used in the Philippines when it was still a territory of the United States.
  • Crossword A crossword puzzle with a New York twist. Find out how much you know of New York City. (It's not yet interactive but you can print it off and work on it offline).
  • Favorite Recipes These are dishes that I, a totally non-culinary, could cook. The first recipes are for Adobo (a Philippine dish) and Corned Beef and Cabbage(an Irish dish). I'm presently working on a few of my other favorites like Lobster/Shrimp on Scallion (a Chinese dish), Sukiyaki (Japanese) and a special meaty Spaghetti Sauce (Italian). 
  • Manhattan Address Locator Do you want to know where an address in Manhattan might be located? Is it Downtown or Midtown? With this Javascript program that I made, it will be just a click of the button. Try it.
  • Family Album 
  • My other homepage Basically a family picture gallery

Extra-curriculars and Interesting Links

Special mention is made of ALSPEM's homepage - an association of the local staff of Missions (Embassies) to the U.N. and of Ben Gonzales' paper sculpture

  • ALSPEM The Association of the Local Staff of Permanent Missions to the United Nations, for which I held the office of President from 1994 to 2000.
  • Gupit-GupitA unique form of art developed by Prof. Ben Gonzales, where a 3D figure is created by cutting up and folding a single piece of paper (paper sculpture, not origami).
  • Arjaypee Music Web site of Raymund (Nonong) Palmares, accomplished musical director, arranger, conductor, piano and vocal mentor, and a person of many other artistic talents. He has provided us with some background music and, most importantly (to me), he is the son of my cousin.
  • De La Salle University My old Alma Mater in Manila - the university system publication, Abut-Tanaw and the alumni association newsletter Alumnews. Incidentally, PC Computing Magazine chose the De La Salle University Web site as one of the 1996 Best of the Web, along with only 12 other universities worldwide.
  • WebArt Access Works by a French modern surrealist, Yvonne Cayrel, whose website I designed on commission from his agent Anouchka Eichmann, a family friend. This is my first official work as Web Design & Internet Consultant, completed in April,1998.
  • Web Arts & Stuff, NY An online store for marketing Yvone Cayrel's paintings.
  • Andrew Begg - Photography Andrew Begg, a young New Zealand diplomat, took these incredible shots of New York during his 3-month assignment here in New York in late 1999.
  • Vivian Wong - Textile/Ceramics Design Vivian Wong, a recent immigrant from China, brings with her the traditional skills of creating graphic arts—with brush, pen, paint and ink. Here she proves to us how amazing, and infinitely more beautiful, are works that are created manually, with loving care, and with such attention to details. Vivian, her husband John, and daughter Kim are family friends.
    And finally, this home page won't be complete without its own search engine. So here's...LYCOS


    Terms to Match: Number of Results:
    Output Level:



You are visitor number Counter since 9/9/96. Thanks for the visit and come again later. 
For comments write me at rtubilleja@yahoo.com.

        (Here's where you can turn the background music ON or OFF.)
        (MIDI music supplied by Taisuke Matsumaru, entitled "Final Fantasy").
        If the music doesn't play automatically listen to it here.

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