How to get what you ask for -

When asking for anything in prayer, there's only one condition for you to get it.
That you must believe you're going to receive it. No ifs or buts...

It doesn't even depend on whether you're already sinless or not. (That usually follows closely, though). Just believe. And you'll get it.

So, when you pray don't say, "Pleeease, Lord, please, please, please, answer my prayer and give me that new job", or something else. You see, this way you don't really believe that He'll grant it to you. You're not so sure, not positive. Just hoping.

Say instead, "Thanks, Lord, thank you, thank you, because you'll give me that new job!" And you got it...

The Lord said so himself many times. Once He was even so impressed with the absolute faith of a Roman Officer (a pagan), that He just had to grant the latter the miracle he was asking for, even at long distance...

(Although not absolutely necessary, you may sometimes like to ask for a simple sign, so even if you don't get it right this minute, you'll know it's coming soon. It should be something unusual so there's no mistaking it. Don't worry, you'll recognize it when it comes. And finally, this is really easier said than done, and would require some practice).


I am Christian... therefore I love people

It's my business -- this loving of people. I'm not a Christian merely because I say I believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Anyone can say that, too - even those who don't really mean it.

But I am a Christian because I love people.

That's all He wants us to do, actually. "For how can you love God whom you do not see, when you don't love your neighbor whom you can see".

The more I think about what the Apostles and early Christians did to spread the Faith, the more it's beginning to look like they didn't really do it by preaching on mountain tops. Or even by debating with pagans and Jews about the "folly" of their beliefs. Well, maybe a few of them did -- the ones that God gave the gift of "tongue" to. But the rest, and certainly the majority, would have just tried to be friendly to everybody, to be helpful and compassionate, to be just nice to have around.

Then people started asking why. "Why are you so nice? Why do you treat me with respect? Why are you so loving?"...

The rest, as you know, is history.

(November 13, 1997 - Cornerstone D-day + 19)

One Little Candle

(These are the lyrics to the background music on this page. Wouldn't you agree with me that these are the times when this prayer-song is most appropriate?)

Solution to the New York Crossword:
(And yes, the stuff talked about in this page would make for a great hobby, too.)

Here's where you can turn the background music ON or OFF.

(MIDI music is a rendition by Raymund (Nonong) Palmares of the popular song entitled "One Little Candle").
If the music doesn't play automatically turn it on here

Write me at if you would like to share something.
I may include it here later. But please don't get offended if I don't.
I haven't got much room and I'm following a certain format. But. thanks for the contribution, anyway. - Rene Tubilleja.

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