© by AngelsWhim 1998
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Page by Xrtsys / Jilli


by AngelsWhim

I do not remember where to start. It just seems that when I long for something, it burns me till I get it. I have always been that way. Testing, pushing to the limits. Seeing how far I can go. Knowing that things never turn out as bad as we imagine. That is my security. Knowing that what ever mess I can get in, it can always be fixed. I think those signs you see around us everyday, you know, the warning labels and cautions, are only put there for people who can't find their way out.

"No strollers on the escalator!" signs were put there for people too stupid to figure out how to do it safely. Not for me. I have noticed, people that do things just because they have always been done and never stepping out of the comfort zone. Like ketchup on fries. Well, why not mustard?

Its one thing if you just don't like mustard on fries. But to not do it for fear of what your friends will think is a mystery to me. I remember I used to like to put pepper on my fries. My Grandmother looked horrified. Then for her to see me add mustard to the group sent her over the edge. I was heavely reprimanded by her. When I asked why it was wrong she stated to me that its just not how we eat french fries. OK my dear Grandmother, search as I have for the manual on the proper way to eat french fries, I have never found it. So why is it not done?

Who was the first person to dip them in ketchup? Was the person sitting next to them offended and horrified? I bet there is a lot of people out there that I call closet mustard dippers. I refuse to be one. I don't always use mustard on my fries, but when I feel like it, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed. I dip my french fries freely into what I wish.

Why should I even have to tell you this? Well, I just want to get the word out. The outcome of small stuff is never as traumatic as one may imagine, even if it is considerable, it too shall pass. I found that if I take the first step and dip my fries in mustard or taco sauce or ranch dressing, I may get an occasional comment from one of those security bubbled people, but most will join me in pursuit of the more flavorful french frie.

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