page by Jilli


Hi there.   My name is Susan McWhorter aka ginsue...ginny to most of my friends.   I'm 48 years old and living in central Illinois, widowed after 29 years   ...Four grown children;  3 sons 1 daughter.   and 1 little ...2 little   13.... yes 13 little indians.   Seminole desecnt runs in our bloodlines and is very apparent in a couple sons and a few of the grandchildren...:):):)

Writing has always been a huge part of my life,   my passion,   my one "true" love.   It has been my haven when all else failed me.. and a way to rid myself of some of lifes pain and troubles..while at the same time bringing me peace and a way to entertain others...I wrote my own versions of 'true romances' while in junior   high..which won me...a trip to the "OFFICE" :):).

Now days I write a mix of things...from real life to romance... to erotica... and a little ghost writing for people... I have had one short story published several years ago and hope for more.   I am happiest when I am writing and bringing joy to others..and bringing joy to others is what life is all about for me ... ;):):)

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