Inspired by Sol Nte's Everyday Musics, BLAH scores, written by Jack Dada, are open to personal interpretation. The Music or Sound should, however, follow a classic 4 - 4 - 2 formation, simply changing at half time to 5 - 4 - 1 after substituting da with Da if play has proceeded well. These scores were written for the trombone and spoons, but can easily be adapted for kazoo and human beat-box. Also best performed in D minor, in my opinion one of the saddest keys.


Low Prevenience Dilator...that's the name of the piece

Low Prevenience Dilator - Jack Dada


This one is called Preemie Erato's an early version.

Preemie Erato 1 - Jack Dada and Joe Decie


BAM ! This one's called Sucker Punch's from the school of hard knocks.

Sucker Punch Trait - Jack Dada*


* This score contains a slice of Ham by John M. Bennett.


Feel free to reproduce these scores and use them at your performances, but please credit Jack in your literature. Also the Blah Brothers would welcome an audio copy of your rendition of these pieces if you feel like sending one our way.